Robert Hume trained in textiles and worked as a professional designer for homeware but felt the need to return to more direct making and began creating ceramics.  Robert continues to teach textile design and believes that textiles remain a fertile influence on his ceramics. Many other sources of influence, from diverse branches of art and design, technology old and new and foremost that of nature feed into his working practice. Work frequently starts from observation of the environment, the natural and the fabricated, and the mirroring that one sees between these. He is particularly interested in the mysterious hidden beauty in things that the Japanese refer to as yugen 幽玄.

Robert is interested in the interchange between the maker and the material, the way the qualities of the medium and the process can influence the direction of work, prompt new areas for investigation and he explores both spontaneous and methodical approaches in generating work. 

For Robert it is important that the work retains a primary connection to utility whether discernible or not.

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